Our film

Specifics of Our Film

Our movie name is "Chuckles"

This week I am going to be giving an update about my film 

    A summary of the story that we came up; This project will be about a small town in Bulowville, Florida. It was a hot, sunny day, but little did people know there was a murder happening. This was one of the first murders. Young boys and girls were its victims, it stalks its next victim for 3 days until it kills them. When it is done, the victim is skinned, chopped up, and buried in a shallow grave. What does it look like? You never know one day it will be wearing a clown suit the next day it will look like you friendly mail man. This continued until suddenly one of the neighbors died and all the murders stopped.( Recap)

My Group Members

  • Marie Guillaume
  • Xena Ceron
  • Mayera Seraphin
I decided to choose these people for my group because they are very reliable and are very flex able with filming and working. This group knows how to do their work on time and puts forth the effort. We have been working together for about 3 weeks and so far we are doing good; we pitch good ideas to each other and could take criticism nicely. Everyone in our group has over a 3.7 GPA and are up to date with their work. Everyone in my group will be acting and don't mind it plus everyone in my group claims that they are good actors but, it might take us a few takes to get it right. We will practice before every take until we get the scene correct.

Places We are Filming
     The setting of a film influences the plot of a story or a film and typically creates meaning through the use of Mise-En-Scene. Some of the shots need specific settings in order to create meaning; our film uses specific location to create a sense of familiarity. We said that we would film at a close park for majority of the opening but we are going to go to someone's house; probably Marie's house because it is one like 15 minute walk away. The park is called Sandy Ridge Sanctuary, the reason we decided to go to that park is because its not to far away from everyone's house and it pretty quiet. According to Marie not a lot of people go to that park so, we can film without being disturbed and film as much as we want. The second place we decided we need to film at was a house for the run house shot. We were all trying to think if there was a dark room in our houses but Marie insisted to go to her house because its the least noisy.

    We decided to use our phones in order to film. Because we don't have any actual film cameras we are forced to use our phones or borrow a camera from our teacher. We will not have an investor so, we have to buy all of the props and costuming on our. We decide what our own budget is and my group will probably buy a clown costume, fake blood, and a tripod.

    I haven't started my scheduling yet because we start it next week but we all talked and we all realized that we all have pretty busy schedules. We have to come up with dates that everyone will be able to be there to film. We believe that we will film on a Sunday probably on march 6.
